Cherif Medawar

Commercial Real Estate DealPRO Mastermind #10

November 23rd, 2023

Converting An STR Building To A QSR

Ernie P., CA
(He’s a JV)

With an existing STR building that can be repurposed to a QSR via a Conditional Use Permit from the city, how do you get around the requirements and lengthy timeline (6-8 mos) to see if it qualifies via public hearing approval, drawings, etc)?

In other words, if you have a 45-day due diligence period, how do you manage the certainty of getting it approved, the risk of not losing your EMD, and at the same time getting the National Tenant to commit to a location that’s still pending a Permit?

Karl P., CO
(He is a JVand a heCracked the Code on his RE Fund)

  1. If a broker or wealth manager provides accredited investors, how much should they be compensated and when?
  2. If using your fund as a fund, are the investors also receiving deductions along with the payout? 

Janeen M., DE

  1. Can you please share the benefits of taking up residency in Puerto Rico from a business/financial perspective?

Omid A., FL
(He’s a JV)

  1. Daily News Sources:(1:16 pm est)
    Could you share which news outlets or platforms related to real estate Cherif refers to daily to stay abreast of industry trends and updates?
  2. On-Market vs. Off-Market Opportunities:
    I observed in the JV video course that Cherif predominantly discusses on-market opportunities. Are there specific nuances or considerations that I should be aware of when it comes to dealing with on-market versus off-market deals?
  3. Contract Strategy in Commercial Real Estate:
    In residential deals, I often employ a strategy where I initially put a property under contract off-market, and subsequently sell it on-market. Is this a feasible and effective strategy to use in commercial real estate as well?
  4. Concerning Property Value and Tenants:
    Cherif’s Proof of Funds (POF) letter displays a little over $1 million. Is it possible to secure properties that have a higher value and still successfully find a Triple Net (NNN) tenant such as Smart and Final or Medical Organizations/Groups?
  5. Strategy for Property Retention and Cash Flow:
    If I decide to retain a property for cash flow rather than assigning it, could you please advise on the process of dealing with banks?
    My plan would be to hold the property for approximately 7-12 years depending on the lease term/time before selling.

Sam O., CA
(New CRE DealPRO)

  1. What is your opinion about investing in tax liens?
  2. You have eluded on a few podcasts about you loaning on commercial deals. Is this program active or when do you plan on lending? What are the criteria? How will we get notified?
  3. What is your Fund currently investing in? Where will my money be invested?
  4. Can I invest from my 401K and personal monies? What is the minimum and max?

Jack M., Calagary
(New CRE DealPRO)

  1. Do you invest in Canada? Can the JV strategy be implemented in Canada? What markets?
  2. What are the differences in investing in the US vs Canada? 
  3. Setting up a structure to raise capital in Canada and the US. Where do I start?

Chad T., NY

I would like to know the procedure of setting up another structure for a high net worth in NY with the lien on their properties for KMAGB asset protection.

Do we have to go through the same process with the Profile?

Is the cost $5995?

How much is the investment for 3-4 properties? ($695/line and $750/UCC1)

Do you also offer a will as well?

When they evaluate the value of their properties for the liens do they add a percentage to it?

How does the capitalization work? Do they pay their bank account once a year? Can you give me an example?

I will be the one who helps them set up as well. So I will work with you to get this done.

Aji., TN

  1. How should we start preparing for the following opportunities or challenges to invest in 2024?
  2. What type of package should I prepare for the Bank or lenders as I will be investing in Commercial deals for the first time in the next 90 days? Is it the same as a residential preapproval package?
  3. What is the amount I should have in reserves for a commercial acquisition? What is the general down payment for the bank on an apartment or retail deal?

Michelle Q., NY

(New CRE DealPRO)

  1. In your videos, you talk about the different types of investors. Can you expand on this and explain why this is important?
  2. What is the importance of “leverage” in the coming year? 


Please expand on your thoughts.

  1. Consumers are still spending

  1. How “Negativity” is extremely attractive to people. (2:37 pm EST)
  2. PREPARE them for the last call of the year and frame what you will discuss.

Once all the questions are asked let’s ask for any LIVE questions.

A few people communicated that they didn’t get to ask you LIVE as things came to mind.

Commercial Real Estate Mastermind

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